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Mobile Patient Payment App


Jessica Loredo

July 5th, 2012

Project Summary

Summary: A mobile self-checkout application for patients

eSignature was a mobile application designed to lessen the burden on medical receptionsists and give patients an easy and quick way to make a payment or check themselves out after a medical appointment. The original design was optimized for an iPad that would be placed at the receptionist counter or at a kiosk at a medical clinic. The flow included two separate user roles, the receptionist and the patient. If all went according to plan, the user would zip through the credit card payment process (if they were paying cash the app instructed them to see the receptionist, but may present a few forms for the patient if necessary). If a patient ran into problems, the receptionist could identify the issues through their own view. After the design, user testing, and development I supported, the app was launched at Shawnee Mission Medical Center in Shawnee, KS in 2012.

Main Problem:

Receptionists get overwhelmed at times and patients get, well, impatient with long wait times. Can we design a solution that solves both problems?

UX Activities

UX Design, Prototyping, Research, Stakeholder meetings

For my role on the project, I designed the workflow and supported our development team with implementation. I also created a prototype for our research team to test with several consumers with no previous experience. The script written for the user testing which had 8 activities for the users to perform. The app had a relatively short happy-path, though it had a few edge cases generally attributed to most payment apps which were accounted for as well. There was also the matter of patient privacy and credit card processing that lengthened the development time a bit longer than anticipated, but the timeline was still relatively short at around 3 months.

The original report
eSig Prototype Screens

Images Images

  • p4

    Prototype View
  • p4

    Prototype View
  • p4

    Prototype View

Project Outcomes

I was pleased to see the results for the initial testing session which showed that 100% of users, of a wide array of ages from 28 - 52 were able to complete all activities successfully. Based on the positive user testing sessions, we were not surprised when the feedback was overall positive from doctor's offices that implemented the self check-out system. Patients also responded favorably with the ease-of-use of the application.

Questions? Questions

Want to hear more about my design process? Let's talk!